Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hello Summer...We missed you old friend!

Summer is FINALLY here. I am so excited and motivated to begin a new season as a family. Hunter's first day of freedom was awesome! We met Wes on his lunch break at Trinity Park for a little picnic and swinging time. After we deposited Daddy back at the shop we headed to the Botanical Gardens for a walk. Just me and my children, soaking in the tidbits of sun peaking through the enormous trees above us. I enjoyed talking to Hunter while Morgan gazed at everything. Eventually we took her out to walk with her big brother and she was so amazed that she was wearing shoes! She stopped every three steps to bend over and look at them. Up until then, she always pulled them off as soon as I could get them fastened. We then ventured to Central Market and had so much fun tasting the fresh veggies and fruit. I heart Central Market! We ended our day at Mason's Birthday party. It was fun in the pool for Hunter and good time with our friends just hanging out. What a great life!

1 comment:

Life with boys... said...

How sweet, enjoy your summer break Hunter!