Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy Trails to the Holidays and on to the New Year...

I know, I know, I haven't blogged in weeks and oh how I have missed it. This is my journal. It is where I vent and think. I need this outlet! However, Wes is finally home for the holiday and I didn't want to miss a single second available with him and the kids. Like most, our Christmas was busy and filled with family. The only way it could have been better would be if we could have all of our family together at once rather than driving all over Texas to see everyone. I know I am living in a dream land and obviously watch too much television because that doesn't happen in real life...does it? Hunter & Morgan, PLEASE MARRY NICE PEOPLE WHO WILL LET YOU SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH US! I will be nice I promise. They can bring their entire families. I will even make your favorite foods and babysit your children on New Years Eve. Did I say please, pretty please, with sugar cookies on top?
A short recap of our holiday...Hunter's team lost their final All Stars game and he headed off to visit his family south of Houston. Morgan and I spent Christmas Eve home getting ready for the big day and on Christmas day morning Wes flew home! We were both so happy to see him. he is always so afraid Morgan will forget him, but I know the that there is no way that could ever happen. She loves her Daddy so much! We drove to my my Dad's and had a great Christmas feast with family there. Morgan went from one family member to another, some of whom she had never met and had a blast soaking up all the attention. I missed Hunter but knew he was having a great Christmas where he was at and was so happy to see him when his flight came in the next day. On Friday afternoon Wes took us to a nice dinner and then we had our family Christmas here at home. It was so fun watching Hunter open his gifts. Wes bought him a special jersey and tickets to both the Armed Forces Bowl and Cotton Bowl which totally surprised Hunter. He was literally speechless. I am not sure who was happier, Hunter for receiving the gift or Wes for making Hunter smile like that. They both just beamed with love and happiness and my heart was so content watching them. While Morgan has a knack for eating the wrapping off of other peoples gifts, she wasn't really sure how to open hers. Hunter helped and she loved her new toys. We woke early Saturday morning and headed to Possum Kingdom Lake to share a weekend with the Lee Family. Momma and Barney rented a great cabin for all of us to stay in with lots of space for the kids to run around and play. We all had a great time seeing family and just enjoying time together. Hunter really enjoyed the smaller nephews looking up to him and starting the beginnings of a bond that I pray last a lifetime. On Sunday we helped pack up and loaded our own truck with lots of goodies and headed to Mom and James. Mom had set up the Guest/Art Cabin for Christmas and it was adorable! We worked in the kitchen together when we arrived and in no time had the most Delicious dinner pulled together. I have to say the food was heavenly! My sister's family was there with us and we all shared a meal, opened presents, and watched the kids play a little while the men snuck off to check on the football games...stinkers. In all, it was simply a wonderful Christmas, not just because of the beautiful gifts we received, but because we were able to spend it with all of our families. We truly feel blessed. What a great way to honor the birth of Jesus, by gathering and loving the families we are blessed with. I had a hard time picking just a few favorites so have a ton of pictures to share. I wish I had more. I missed getting pictures of parts of both mine and Wes's families and his brother Brad is deployed so I won't get any of him until next year. Here are a few until I get a slide show together...

1 comment:

Mommaloo said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time while Wes was here. I hope 2009 brings you everything you wish for.