Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Updates on the Kids...

I realized that in being a blogger slacker I have missed so many updates on the kids. Hunter is still growing like a weed! He is less than an inch away from being as tall as I am. His voice is changing too. It is a very odd thing to watch your baby grow up so fast. He continues to makes good grades but really needs to improve his study habits. He is playing basketball and likes it. So far we are 2-0. He has a girlfriend, Hannah. I think he is too young but at least it gives him a reason to remember to put on deodorant and brush his teeth.

Morgan is also in the middle of a growth spurt. She is crawling everywhere and climbing on everything! There seems to be no stopping her and I have to really watch what the boys leave on the floor or she will have it in her mouth lightening quick. Over Christmas holiday she started waving and clapping. She also is mastering picking up food and toys with just her finger and thumb "pinching" things. She says Dadda, Bubba, Momma, shakes he head no and clamps her mouth shut when she is done eating and is getting better with a sippy cup. I still primarily breast feed her but she is eating two table meals a day as well. Lucky for me, she hasn't cut teeth yet but does drool everywhere! Just like me, she loves the men in her life. She looks at her big brother like an awe stuck fan and coos and smiles special just for her Daddy.

Have I mentioned today how much I love being a Mom? I truly do. Thank you God for my children. I pray that I am the Mother you desire for me to be and that I am teaching my children to love and trust in you.

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